07-27-2024, 08:55 AM
My sister has succeeded in pushing me on out of her life completely. I know I messed up and hurt her multiple times. That was not love. Those were my mistakes with her. But it was never out of hate. It was stupidity that made me hurt her stab her throw her pills down the drain burn her purse break her arm all that. I only have love for her. But she has me blocked. She is an alcoholic and in detox treatment as j write this as we speak. I am sick of missing her. I am tired of her rejecting me and cutting me off from contact. I want her so bad. I love her god help her forgive me and give me another chance. I want her to be a contact in my life. I have never seen her house and she’s lived there like 15 years. I don’t know what I did to deserve none of her. I wrote live songs about her. But that was not good enough. She cut me off. I want her back. Dear god help me have my sister in my life.